First Lady Michelle Obama to deliver commencement speech at Anacostia Senior High School

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The Washington Post’s The Reliable Source
First Lady Michelle Obama to deliver commencement speech at Anacostia Senior High School
By Roxanne Roberts and Amy Argetsinger
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Three lucky schools -- including two in the District-- will get Michelle Obama as their commencement speaker, the White House announced Tuesday.

The first lady will first speak on May 8 at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, a historic black college. On June 11, she'll address the grads at Anacostia Senior High School, which she first visited a year ago as part of her mentoring initiative. And on May 16, she's headed to George Washington University -- but only if the students, faculty and staff first complete 100,000 hours of community service. During a visit to the campus in September, Obama promised to return for graduation if they met her challenge.

So, how's it going? "Ever since then, it's been full steam ahead," said Candace Smith, head of media relations. "We've been racking up the service hours." As of three weeks ago, the official total was 74,000; if GWU's 25,000 students put in about one more hour each, the VIP speaker will honor her end of the bargain.

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