Haynes school head honored by institute

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The Current
Haynes school head honored by institute
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jennifer C. Niles, the founder and head of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School, recently won a fellowship that honors "exceptional entrepreneurial leaders who are committed to transforming public education," according to a release.

The Aspen Institute and NewSchools Venture Fund selected Niles and 23 other educators from a group of more than 150 nominees to be the 2010 winner of the Entrepreneurial Leaders for Public Education Fellowship.

Niles founded E.L. Haynes in 2004. According to the release, the school is now the highest-performing charter elementary school in the District, based on 2009 DC-CAS scores. The Georgia Avenue school serves 450 pre-kindergartners through seventh-graders.

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