Hispanic Students Inspired by Sotomayor Nomination

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WJLA News Channel 8
Hispanic Students Inspired by Sotomayor Nomination
May 27, 2009
Click the following link to view the news clip: http://www.news8.net/news/stories/0509/626661_video.html
Hispanics are the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S. But despite their numbers, a Latino has never before been nominated to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court until now.

The Hispanic students at D.C.'s Cesar Chavez Public Charter School are virtually all children of recent immigrants; some of them were born here and others came as toddlers from Central America or Mexico. The students at the public policy school see Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court nomination as a milestone and inspiration for them.

"Look at her story; if she can do it why can't you. Yeah, it's hard, but if you want something you're going to work hard and you're doing to do it," said Brenda Balcarcel, a student.

"For me, it's like the next step will probably be a Hispanic as president, so it means we have a chance now," said Hancy Montesino, a student.

The school is named after the late Cesar Chavez, who organized California farm workers into a union. And the students, many who are low income residents, see Sotomayor as a shining star.

"And it almost gives parents a reason to push their kids far enough so they can achieve greatness - hey, you could become the next president like Obama did.... He eliminated that whole idea that only the white man can do it. He did that and so did Sonia," said Bonerge Rubio, a student.

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